Belgium in Japan Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and map of our Embassy in Tokyo. Consular services In this section you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc. Passport Information on the Belgian passport. Electronic identity card and Kids-ID This page provides information on the electronic identity card and Kids-ID. Civil status Information on your civil status. Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document. Driver's licenses Information on the Belgian driving licence in Japan. Travelling in Japan All the useful information if you are travelling to Japan. Visa for Belgium All information on applying for a visa to Belgium. Scholarships and Studying in Belgium Scholarships and funding opportunities for Belgian students in Japan and Japanese students in Belgium. Economic relations Overview of the Belgian economy, the Japanese economy and statistics, trade relations and investments. Useful websites An overview of useful links. Are you travelling to Japan? Check the travel advice before you leave for all the important information when travelling abroad. More information Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and map of our Embassy in Tokyo. Message by the Ambassador Relationship Belgium-Japan Logo Competition Scholarships and Studying in Belgium
Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and map of our Embassy in Tokyo.
Consular services In this section you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc.
Electronic identity card and Kids-ID This page provides information on the electronic identity card and Kids-ID.
Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document.
Scholarships and Studying in Belgium Scholarships and funding opportunities for Belgian students in Japan and Japanese students in Belgium.
Economic relations Overview of the Belgian economy, the Japanese economy and statistics, trade relations and investments.